I'm happy to report that I am officially employed again...FINALLY!! Seriously, I really didn't think that it would take as long as it did. I know that the economy is in the toilet at the moment, but still. Since I've been here (since October) I've applied for more jobs then I can even keep track of, and this entire time I've only heard back from two; one of which ultimately decided not to hire after all, and this one that I accepted today. So, I'll be starting work on this coming Monday at Liberty Mutual Insurance. Yep, more insurance work for me. That's OK though, this way I won't have to learn the inner workings of an entire new industry, and my new job has quite a few similarities to what I was doing at Standard in Portland. Benefits are great too, and the pay is more than I expected which is nice. Tim's pretty happy as well, since this means that now I get to start helping pay for silly things like rent and electricity. I think I'm a little less excited about this then he is :)
Anyway, I'm off to take full advantage of my last three days of no work. Mostly that just means that I'm gonna spend the weekend in my pajamas watching TV, with a happy hour thrown in somewhere in the middle for good measure. I recently found out that an old friend from college lives here, so we're meeting up for drinks tomorrow. So, I won't be totally lazy all weekend...just most of it.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
oh, i sure do wish i could get a job...
I haven't updated my blog in a while. Mostly because I wanted my next post to be the big exciting "I got a job" post. That was supposed to happen later today, since this was to be the last of four interviews with Liberty Mutual (yep, I can't quite stay away from insurance). Let me tell you why that's not happening as scheduled...
We'll start with the dream I had this morning. I dreamed that I was interviewing to work at Radio Shack and was surprised when I showed up for the interview to see that I was working with all the people I used to work with at Suncoast: Rollie, Melissa, Matt, & George. Now, when I woke up, I didn't really know how to take this. Should I consider it a good sign...one that foreshadowed my getting hired today? Or, should I take it as a bad sign, and assume that I was going to end up working at Radio Shack? I took it as a good sign, since I seemed pretty happy in the dream.
So, I went on with my morning. I snoozed through my first alarm, since I did set it for ridiculously Early (6:00 am), and got up about fifteen minutes later, while it was still dark out. Showered, dressed, ate breakfast all before day light. Up until this point, I still liked the day so far. Then I turned on the news. I tune in mid report, and the first thing I hear is "...first snow storm of the season, better late then never." The first thing that goes through my head is: "Shit." I turned around and walked over to the window to find that the morning light slowly creeping into the day was in fact revealing a white canvas.
At this point, I'm still feeling a bit defiant of the weather, and fully intended on continuing on with the plan, undeterred. I-Will-Get-A-Job-Today. I'm just about to head downstairs to catch the shuttle to the Metro station when my phone rings. Now, my phone never rings, especially at that hour of the morning, so I know what's coming, and for the second time "Shit" runs through my head. I answer, and sure enough it's the woman I'm supposed to interview with. Now, to her credit, and the credit of Liberty Mutual, I should be pleased that I'm potentially going to work for a company that is so concerned with it's employee's well being, but at that moment I didn't really want to hear what she had to say. Basically, she was concerned with my ability to get all the way over to Rockville, MD from Falls Church, VA. And, to be honest I was a bit concerned myself at this point, but I really wanted to get hired today! Regardless, the interview has been postponed till Thursday.
Granted, Thursday is just two days away, and from what I can tell there is no snow in the forecast for Thursday...but come on folks! Short of a few flurries here and there, it hasn't really snowed since I've been here. Why is it that the one day I need it to not snow, it dumps a ton on us?! Sorry about the cussing, but I'll repeat myself..."Shit."
On a more positive note, Oliver sure does love watching the snow. He keeps jabbing the window with his gimpy arm trying to get the falling flakes. And, when he's not doing that he's transfixed on the black squirrels racing around in the snow (yeah, we have black squirrels here). It's pretty funny to watch him.
If all goes according to the new and improved plan, maybe you all will get the "I got a job" blog update on Thursday. Cross your fingers, apparently I need all the luck I can get. :-)
We'll start with the dream I had this morning. I dreamed that I was interviewing to work at Radio Shack and was surprised when I showed up for the interview to see that I was working with all the people I used to work with at Suncoast: Rollie, Melissa, Matt, & George. Now, when I woke up, I didn't really know how to take this. Should I consider it a good sign...one that foreshadowed my getting hired today? Or, should I take it as a bad sign, and assume that I was going to end up working at Radio Shack? I took it as a good sign, since I seemed pretty happy in the dream.
So, I went on with my morning. I snoozed through my first alarm, since I did set it for ridiculously Early (6:00 am), and got up about fifteen minutes later, while it was still dark out. Showered, dressed, ate breakfast all before day light. Up until this point, I still liked the day so far. Then I turned on the news. I tune in mid report, and the first thing I hear is "...first snow storm of the season, better late then never." The first thing that goes through my head is: "Shit." I turned around and walked over to the window to find that the morning light slowly creeping into the day was in fact revealing a white canvas.
At this point, I'm still feeling a bit defiant of the weather, and fully intended on continuing on with the plan, undeterred. I-Will-Get-A-Job-Today. I'm just about to head downstairs to catch the shuttle to the Metro station when my phone rings. Now, my phone never rings, especially at that hour of the morning, so I know what's coming, and for the second time "Shit" runs through my head. I answer, and sure enough it's the woman I'm supposed to interview with. Now, to her credit, and the credit of Liberty Mutual, I should be pleased that I'm potentially going to work for a company that is so concerned with it's employee's well being, but at that moment I didn't really want to hear what she had to say. Basically, she was concerned with my ability to get all the way over to Rockville, MD from Falls Church, VA. And, to be honest I was a bit concerned myself at this point, but I really wanted to get hired today! Regardless, the interview has been postponed till Thursday.
Granted, Thursday is just two days away, and from what I can tell there is no snow in the forecast for Thursday...but come on folks! Short of a few flurries here and there, it hasn't really snowed since I've been here. Why is it that the one day I need it to not snow, it dumps a ton on us?! Sorry about the cussing, but I'll repeat myself..."Shit."
On a more positive note, Oliver sure does love watching the snow. He keeps jabbing the window with his gimpy arm trying to get the falling flakes. And, when he's not doing that he's transfixed on the black squirrels racing around in the snow (yeah, we have black squirrels here). It's pretty funny to watch him.
If all goes according to the new and improved plan, maybe you all will get the "I got a job" blog update on Thursday. Cross your fingers, apparently I need all the luck I can get. :-)

Saturday, January 3, 2009
new years resolutions....right...like I'll actually end up keeping any of those.
I am going to try though. One that I'm kind of excited about is a project I'm doing over in Flickr land. I'm doing 2009 Year In Pictures (YIP). Basically I'm just taking a photo a day of anything I want every day this year. It makes me pick up my camera every single day, and also ties in with my second resolution, which is to save up and buy a fancy DSLR camera this year (though moola is required for that one, and I don't really have any of that right now, so it will have to wait a while). Here are the first three shots of the year:

And, as for the new year so far? It started out well enough, even though thus far it's been a chilly one. We spent new years eve outside huddled under heat lamps at an outdoor New Years Eve party on the harbor in Baltimore. Fifty bucks a person for zero degree windchill temps, appetizers, free beer/wine, sub par champagne at midnight, canceled fireworks and frozen solid toes...Oh well, at least we were with new friends starting out a new year. Can't really complain about that.

And, as for the new year so far? It started out well enough, even though thus far it's been a chilly one. We spent new years eve outside huddled under heat lamps at an outdoor New Years Eve party on the harbor in Baltimore. Fifty bucks a person for zero degree windchill temps, appetizers, free beer/wine, sub par champagne at midnight, canceled fireworks and frozen solid toes...Oh well, at least we were with new friends starting out a new year. Can't really complain about that.
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