Let me just get this out of the way first: I am aware that the following might cause you all to laugh, sneer, heckle and otherwise berate me for spending two hours a week shamelessly glued to the mind numbing awesomeness that is this season of American Idol. Yep, I said it, and you can go ahead and make fun all you want. And, you know what I have to say to that? BRING IT ON - You know that you secretly love it too.
That being said I would also like to say that I've tried to avoid this post all season, but I simply can't continue to ignore the travesty that occurs every week on this show. No, i'm not talking about the loss of Anoop (thank goodness he's gone), or the fact that everyone still boos Simon (even though he's mostly right). Nope, I'm talking about Paula. Paula, paula, paula (as I shake my head in shame). Someone needs to fire her stylist, immediately - and at the same time sniff that glass of "Coke" she has sitting in front of her, as it surely must be spiked. Seriously. I didn't think it could get much worse, then I saw last night's show...That poor girl. I couldn't decide if she was feeling nestalgic and wanted to apear twenty five years too late for prom, or if she was actually wearing a lobster. Either way, it's bad news.
Now that I've got that out of my system...How bout them Blazers??? *Uprise*
Over and out.