Thursday, May 31, 2012

Attention my lovely readers: This blog is moving!

Hi everyone :)  I've been debating for a long time weather or not to move my blog to and I've decided to go ahead and do it. 

Why?  I simply like their format better.  Plus, I hear that Blogger is getting ready to incorporate their blogs with Google+, and I'm really not interested in that.

I've basically just imported my blogger blog over to Wordpress (all old posts and comments are all still there),  and moving forward you can find me here:
(I didn't realize how long my web address would be! lol)

If you are following me through a blog reader like Google Reader, or Yahoo Reader, please remember to update to the new RSS feed (which you can find on the new blog as well). I'd hate for any of you to miss any updates and new posts! 

Oh, and I'll wait a while before completely deleting my blog here on blogger, but just know I will no longer be posting here. 

thanks for reading :) I'll see you over on Wordpress.

Wedding Update Thursday

Hi!  We've gotten quite a bit done the last two weeks. Starting with, I hired a day of wedding planner. Let me start by saying that we were not at all planning on working this into the budget.  It just felt like the money could be better spent somewhere else.  But, one thing has become clear to me over the last month...there is a lot to do on the day of a wedding!  There's figuring out the wedding day timeline, welcoming and coordinating all the vendors to the venue, DECORATING the venue, running the ceremony, making sure the reception runs smoothly, making sure final payments make it to the vendors, and trouble shooting, not to mention a dozen other things I'm sure I haven't even thought of. And what became clear to the two of us is that not only will neither of us have time the day of to do any of this, we actually don't want to do any of this. We just want to enjoy the day. So we've hired someone to do all the nitty gritty work for us.  Totally worth the money in my opinion!

Secondly, I hired a hair and makeup person. I mean, we're gonna be looking at these photos for a really long time, so I should probably make an effort to look good :)

Also, we arranged for some fun reception things for all you guests to do. Yay for fun!

So that's it for this update. The list is getting smaller!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Wedding Update Thursday

Hi again. Thursdays, at least for the next six weeks, will be dedicated to posting about all things wedding. Why?  Well, because I have a list of things left to do that is a mile long, and this will keep me on task.

This past week we checked two big things off the list!  I had my dress fitting. And, we picked out and purchased Tim's wedding ring.

First up, the dress fitting. Let me start by saying that I love my dress. It's not your typical white wedding dress. It's unique and has a bit of color, and is sooooo me. I purchased it up in Portland when I was home last November for Thanks Giving. They shipped it to me in January, and when it arrived I unzipped the garment bag to take a look. Just to make sure it was the right dress and size and all that. It was, so I hung it way in the back of my closet where it stayed undisturbed until last week.

Knowing that I had a fitting coming up, I took it out of the bag last week and decided to try it on. And, then i freaked out a little because it didn't fit!  I couldn't zip it. Granted, it is kind of a hard dress to put on all by yourself, so I stopped myself from having a total meltdown and just figured I'd let them figure it out at the fitting. But still, the days leading up to it were kind of torturous, as in the back of my mind was this nagging little voice saying "your dress doesn't fit. You're gonna have to get a new dress. eeeeek!" Followed by "why didn't you just try on the dress when you first got it to make sure it fit???"

Tuesday arrived. And much to my relief the tailor's assistant got me into the dress. So, it officially does fit!  Though, I'll have to remember to enlist the help of a few people for the wedding, because I certainly can't do it by myself.

The fitting took an hour and a half, which I spent standing perfectly still in my three inch heels (which until then I thought were pretty comfortable), while the tailor tucked and pinned and shortened my dress until it was finally ready to go.

I get to pick it up on June 13th.

Because you can't see the dress yet, here's a pic of my shoes :)

Second accomplishment this week was picking out Tim's ring. This was a lot more easily accomplished then my dress fitting was, and we took care of it in less then an hour. Thanks to The Shane Company and their catchy radio adds that we've all had memorized since we were children :)

Well that's it for this week on the wedding front. That's only two things that we got done...gonna have to check like five off the list this coming week.  Wish me luck.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Kitty Photo Wednesday

Introducing to the world, our new addition: Annie


So, this all started about a month ago when, on my way to the BART stop one morning, I found a family of kittens and their mamma living in the bushes in our apartment parking lot. They were adorable, albeit very skittish. The next two weeks I spent talking about how cute they were, and how much I wanted one of them. Tim didn't like this idea. So, instead of stealing a cat from the bushes, we adopted one from the San Francisco SPCA.  This was intended mostly to give our old friend Oliver a playmate. The fact of the matter is that he needs to loose weight, as he has gotten quite tubby.

Our attempts to get him to exercise last all of thirty seconds when he tires of chasing a string and promptly just falls over. So, we decided to get him a kitty friend to chase, play, and generally annoy him into getting up and moving around.

So, here comes Annie. When we first met Annie, she was so full of personality. We sat down in the little kitty room and she was all over us, purring, headbutting, and generally demonstrating her adorableness. We thought "oh how cute she is!" and promptly took her home. 

And then we got her home. Where she immediately added rambunctious, crazy, maniac to her repertoire of personality traits.  Seriously, this cat is nuts. At almost two years old (and only 3.5 pounds), she has more energy then any living thing I think I have ever met, as you can see in the video below.  She races around the apartment like her tail is on fire. She leaps off the kitty tower like she's an acrobat, and she treats her toys like they are alive and must be annihilated. And she never gets tired. I'm convinced that the only reason she sleeps is because she gets bored.

Her relationship with Oliver is also quite interesting, and I think it has everything to do with her also being very very stubborn. She appears to be quite indifferent to him, whereas Oliver (at least initially) was really interested and friendly with her. He spent a lot of time looking at her, and trying to be around her, while she completely ignored him, as you'll see  in the pic Tim shot below.
I think that Oliver is slowly growing on her. She chases him around the apartment now, and attacks him for no good reason (then runs away all offended like he actually did something to her). They share water bowls, and their litter box (which I'm quite surprised by). I've witnessed a number of occasions where she has just sauntered up to Oliver, batted him in the face, and wandered off. He just sits there, a little stunned, with this look on his face that I can only assume means he's wondering "what the hell is wrong with you?!?!".  Also, they sleep in each others spots, but not at the same time. At night Oliver is in the bedroom with us, and she is out on the couch. Once we all wake up, she goes in and sleeps in his spot on the bed, and he goes out and sleeps in her spot on the couch. Basically I think she is less the best friend to Oliver we were hoping for and has filled the role of annoying little sister much more effectively.  Oh well, I do think they kinda like each other.

Also, Annie seems to like Tim better then me. I'm slowly coming to terms with this :)

The Big Blog Comeback!

Let's just ignore for a moment the fact that I haven't blogged since Last November.  Yes, I know. Sorry. Fact of the matter is that I got bored with my blog. Not to mention I've been busy doing other things like planning a wedding :)  But here I am, planning my Big Blog Comeback!  Lol, really all this means is that you can probably expect to see me around here more often. You may even get several blogs every week (gasp!). 

I'm planning a few regular features for your reading pleasure (also to prompt me to blog more), and I'll introduce them over the next week or so. But just to peak your interest, Wednesday's will forever moving forward be known as "Kitty Photo Wednesday."  The inaugural post will follow this one :)
